Capalaba Central Doctors
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Due to the time allocated for appointment slots, any changes or concerns with appointments need to be made with reception who will be able to assist you further. This includes adding people to your appointment time.
Cancellation of un-needed appointments is expected and appreciated
Upon Arrival
Please present your current Medicare Card, Concession Card or DVA card at reception and inform the receptionist of any change of address and or phone numbers along with contact details for emergency contact person. For all new patients, we ask that you fill out our New Patient Registration Form.
Emergencies are assessed promptly. Please inform the receptionists if you are in pain, distressed, bleeding, have a rash/allergic reaction, are in anaphalyctic shock, or have been in an accident prior to arriving.
Capalaba Location Contact Information
Book appointment (07) 3823 3355 or Fax (07) 3823 3366